我喜欢梁群。因之经其美图源之呈现。意味着中国艺术家难以逾越的外围藩篱与凝重的雾霾天气,不经意中消解溃散。大师不是练出炉的,那谓自然天成,竟如帕慕克在《纯真博物馆》中的妙语:“ 梦见图像,让我懂得生活的幸福永远不能离开看见这个世界的乐趣。”
光阴(五) / TimeⅤ 2013
2013年3月 于北京宋庄小堡村
An Open Mind and a High Spirit
I like Liang Qun. Because through the beauty of her paintings, the origins of the world emerge. This implies that the surrounding barriers and imposing haze, which are difficult to overcome for Chinese artists, are easily dispelled and scattered. Great masters are not made in kilns, they are naturally formed, just as in Pamuk’s “Museum of Innocence”: “The picture I saw in my dream made me understand that life’s happiness can never be divided from perceiving the pleasures of this world.”
At present, estranged by the temptation of surface physics, avoiding all kinds of earthly influences, contemporary artists whose spirits have not given in are an absolute rarity, but Liang Qun is one of them. Liang Qun’s artworks are filled with ancient purity and loneliness as well as contemporary pastoral melancholy’s intellectual romance and the stalwart redemption of a spatio-temporal future.
遥远 / Somewhere Far Away 2012
诗意的自然之美 / Poetic Natural Beauty 2012
Often touching those inner feelings permeated with cultured odes, indescribable symbols guide the people to a new dimension of their field of vision. Liang Qun is lucky not to have encountered academism’s absurd and overbearing pollution, leaving her with such an intangible and calm talent, merry and lively in its spectacular and dynamic ease. Without a doubt there are more hidden pictures than the ones revealed to us. The moving power of art is like a splendid starry sky from an ancient world, in an era which is just sweeping by.
Xiaopu Village, Songzhuang, Beijing
March 2013
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